Stage 5 | Construction


RIBA Plan of Works | Stage 5 | Construction

"Offsite manufacturing and onsite Construction in accordance with Construction Programme and resolution of Design Queries from site as they arise."

We can take your project right through to completion, to be on hand for any issues that arise, providing site inspections, certification and valuations if required to ensure the project is transferred from paper to reality. Some projects may not require a full site presence from the Architect, however we will always be available to help out at any stage in the project. There are also a number of Notifications required for the Local Authority as your project goes on site and we can handle all of these for you.

There may be an element of further design, detailed information and/ or specification required beyond the scope of the Building Warrant information and we can provide this, liaising with yourself and the Contractors to agree the final details. This could include full materials specification, detailed room layouts, internal wall layouts, decoration and carpeting layouts, integrating kitchen designs, landscaping layouts etc. before works commence on site, or during the construction phase.